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Friday, August 13, 2004

Nikita and the Broken Sliding Glass Door Adventure

Broken Glass Door
Originally uploaded by crazyleslie.
Last night, after playing frisbee in the backyard with my dog, Nikita didn't realize I had closed the sliding glass door behind me, and she ran right through it, following me as I had walked into the kitchen!

The glass shattered and scarred me half to death. The noise of the glass breaking was so loud, I am amazed the neighbors didn't come over to check to see things were okay, or if we were being broken into!

Nikita ran into my arms, trembling, but after checking her over, she was only bleeding from a cut on her nose! It wasn't too deep, and it bled a lot for a while, but she seems to be okay other than that... Un-effing-believable!

What a dangerous mess!

I strongly advise that if you have a sliding glass door and a doggie, put a decal at the DOG'S EYE LEVEL, so they can see if the door is open or shut!


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